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BM's Annual Report - 2018

Well, what a year it has been since the last AGMs.

A range of new committee members took positions on the 5 committees in August 2017 and I'm extremely pleased to report to you that all committees have worked well together for the last 8 months.

Introduction continues...

Many committee members have worked tirelessly to deal with the major and minor issues uncounted in a complex of this size. They have either rectified the issue or put in place strategies to mitigate the matter. It's pleasing to see the committees all working harmoniously together. They have continuously kept owners abreast of current litigation, the issues effecting the complex and the reasons for major decisions being made on your behalf.

Now, AGMs have been called earlier than in the past 2 years as the 5 committees attempt to bring the AGMs back to the start of the calendar year rather than 2/3rds through the year so that budgets will match when spending is required for projects & maintenance. As the budget for th complex is by calendar year rather than financial year - having AGMs in the latter part of the year made it very hard for targets to be met.

Whilst speaking about the current committees performance it is certainly worth speaking to you about the new strata management company for the complex. We again now have on strata management compamy for the entire complex and that company, Property Investement Services (Propis) has been a breath of fresh air here in mine and many committee members opinions. As the Building Manager, am now able to work hand in glove with a group of professionals that I believe have your interests at heart like I do. Your current committees chose this company on your behalf and I highly commend them for changing to Propis.

I'd like to finish by saying that I believe that the 5 committees and myself have worked very closely as a team with the new Owners Corporation to bring stability and many benefits to the BPSE complex.

I am looking forward to another busy year ahead and to working with the incoming Committees. I would like to thank the 5 outgoing Committees for their help and support in my role during this very busy year as BPSE returned to normal and productive for you as owners.

➤ Essential Safety MattersThe essential safety measures that encompass the operation of BPSE complex continues in an ongoing process to ensure that the building services such as fire control, lift maintenance and all other small and large maintaince issues that need to be addressed in a complex of this size continue with little imppact to residents and guests.

➤ Safety IssuesHeart Defibrillators are installed outside the Building Manager's office and in each mail room for emergencies.

➤ Key Lock BoxesSecurity boxes have been installed on the ground floor near the Building Manager's office for owners/residents to buy for $130. The boxes are meant for owner/residents to put a spare key/fire stair key for themselves (or a tradie). The key lock boxes are yours forever for that price. Please contact myself or Propis for the relevant form. Please note that these boxes are NOT meant for serviced apartments.

➤ Recreational FactilitiesThe pool heater is turned off from the end of April until the start of October each year during the cooler months due to the decrease in usage levels by residents and guest.

There is a Community Notice Board on the ground floor near the Building Manager's office and is being well utilised by residents.

➤ Podium Level Herb & Vegetable GardenThe Herb & Vegetable garden appears to be progressing well with one of the garden beds on the Podium level being turned in a Herb & Vegetable Garden by on of your committee members (Deb Sullivan). This will grow as people use it. Please take what you need for your dinner that night and leave some for others to share.

➤ SecuritySecurity is supplied by Monjon Security 7 nights a week. They provide a valuable service to myself as the manager and just quietly go about their business keeping all safe and secure at night. They undertake a testing role on occasion when dealing with abusive guests and the issues they cause to permanent residents. Remember that outside of their hours that the Police are there to provide a service also.

➤ CleaningTwo issues that continue to cause issue for the cleaners and other residents is those that leave their waste on the floor in the bin chute room on their level rather than bringing it down. And the 2nd issue is pet owners who take their dogs to areas where they shouldn't and/or allow them to urinate or defecate in common areas of the complex and don't clean it up such as the entrance to the building, near the bin room, on the Podium, the stair cases and on the carpet on their lift foyer. If you animal does cause an issue - please clean it up properly or let us know so we can deal with it immediately.

➤ Occupancy LevelThere are 413 apartments in total. There are now approximately 150 serviced apartments with in BPSE leaving the rest of the apartments occupied by owners or renters. Across the apartments - occupancy rates are approximately 40% owner occupied and 60% rented. Air BnB & Stayz is a growing presence here and is hard to track who is using their apartment for this purpose so we can monitor them for security issues. Please let me know if you are using your apartment in this fashion. We won't stop you at all, but it helps with noise issues and security if there is an issue.

➤ IncidentsA range of minor issues have occurred in BPSE in the last year as living in a tower environment brings about different challenges and expectations for those living here. Some expectations are realistic and some are unrealistic but usually resolved. There have been no serious matters that have impacted on residents except for the continual battle to deal with those few guest in service apartments that cause noise issues or throw items onto balconies below. This is a constant issue and is dealt with and managed by myself, security, the committee and the owner's corporation manager but is difficult to control and stop due to the constant change over of guests. The serviced apartment operators give guest instructions on the etiquette of staying here but some ignore the advice and lose their bonds accordingly.

➤ BreachesLast year, the previous OC2,3 & 4 committees decided to not issue any Breach Notices for rule breaches by anybody.

This has changed this year and a number of notices and breaches have been issued to residents for various infractions that usually relate to causing noise or nuisance to other residents. But, some of our residents' cause these issues also and some just believe building rules do not apply to them.

➤ Moves In & Out of the BuildingI average 6+ moves in and/or out of BPSE during the business week which places a great strain on residents patience with the lift being used exclusively during these times. I'd like to again thank residents for their patience when these moves occur. Unfortunately , some people undertake moves on weekends with the Building Manager's knowledge or approval. If you see this occurring - please report the matter to me.

➤ Resident MattersThere are several residents that have varying levels of disablement here in the complex. If you can help - please don't walk past and ignore them. Take a couple of minutes from your day and do a good deed. If you're not needed - say hello as they do appreciate it. Its lonely being on your own.

➤ AGMs in April 2018Please, don't be complacent believing that all is well here at BPSE now. This is a big complex and there is still a lot of work to do by the committees every year to run this complex in your behalf. There are a range of quality candidate standing again this year and some new ones as well I understand. Please support them,