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Winter 2016 Issue

Welcome to the Winter Issue of the BPSE Newsletter.

Its been an unusually chilly and wet winter but spring in just around the corner and I hope the news and information contained in this report helps cheer us all up!

There are a lot of developments under-way to improve the complex and the surrounding precinct so, to find out about them, read on...

The Building Manager.

Census News
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Census field staff will be in the complex over several days and nights distributing and collecting the completed census and will knock on your door. They have been issued with security swipes by the Building Manager to access your floor.

What can you expect from the ABS Census field staff:

  • be professional and courteous;
  • confine their relations with you to the collection of statistical information;
  • be presentable and neat;
  • identify themselves with an official identification card in any personal visit;
  • protect the confidentially of the information you provide;

If you have any concerns - please contact the Building Manager via email on or phone 0439 909936. Or contact Monjon Security on 0417 666 566

Committee NewsFollowing the 15-year Life-cycle Replacement Plan that was updated last year, the facades of the three buildings and the wood posts will be repainted in the next few months.

The first Owners Open Forum was held in late June. Useful ideas and suggestions raised at the meeting will be implemented soon. These include:

  • increased security in the building foyers on Friday and Saturday nights;
  • new notice boards (please see below);
  • and a new email address for direct communication with the Committee;

The extent of spalling, a form of concrete damage, will be assessed using a drone. Occupiers will be informed about this. There is provision in the Life-cycle Replacement Plan for rectifying spalling.

As part of ensuring the building were included in the Accelerated NBN Rollout Program, the NBN has been available at the buildings since early April and is popular with residents.

Illegal Parking in your Car Bay?
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One of the issues for owners and tenants at the BPSE Complex is finding unauthorized vehicles parked in your car spot and having to deal with the total inconvenience of this occurring. The reasons vary; from people being given the wrong bay number, confused serviced apartment guest and those who just don't care and do it anyway.

As the Building Manager, I have to deal with complaints about this matter everyday. It is a constant source of annoyance to everyone involved including myself.

Please note that if someone has parked in your bay, that it is not something you should call the Building Manager about, particularly after hours.

Unauthorised Parking AssistanceDo not contact the Building Manager about parking disputes.
The issue is a private matter and the Manager has no authority to aid residents in resolving it.

For assistance contact Parking Enforcement Services on 1300-555-320

One way to defeat the issue permanently for you is the installation of a bollard in your car bay. Below are the details of just one company that sells and installs either remote control or manual bollards and are familiar to this complex.

I am not suggesting you use this company as there are many on the net for you to choose from.

This company, and many like it, are similarly priced.The price range for a manual bollard is approximately $175 to $250 depending on which you choose and remote controls ones are approximately $350 to $450. This includes professional installation by the company.

Core Group Services undertake the maintenance services for our complex and are therefore already aware of the layout of the car park.

➤ Core Group Services Pty Ltd. Speak to Santo on 0412 169 350.

New Precinct RestaurantsIn August we will welcome two new restaurants to the front of Sant'Elia. The first will be the new Indian Café Bar and Restaurant at the former ManMo Restaurant. It will be called 'Mint-o Mustard'.

The old New Quay Hotel will also make way for a new Iranian Restaurant called 'Solidaire'. The old Lats Bakery has been leased. More information to come.

Notice BoardsIn the coming weeks, new notice boards will be installed in the three mail rooms as a central point for the Committee and Building Manager to advise you of issues, upcoming events, security issues and other matters pertinent to you as owners and residents.

New Email AddressesAlso in the coming week will be an email address direct to the committee for you to address matters with them to speed up communications direct to them. The Building Manager will also get a new email address. These new email addresses will be communicated shortly.

Balconies, parties, laundry and dogs!These four things are the cause of many of the grumbles within our building.

Here are some tips for dealing with these problems.

❶ Balconies: The common issue here is folk throwing things off their balconies in the Boyd and Palladio towers. Some of our residents on lower levels have balconies that extend beyond the tower footprints. These balconies can collect debris thrown from above. Many of these owners have become very frustrated by the need to frequently clean items and spilt liquids on their outdoor living areas by people breaching Rule 2.6.

How can we help? Make sure all our guests are respectful of others and ensure they know not to throw anything over. Consider placing a small notice on your balcony as a reminder.

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❷ Parties: Most complaints about loud parties pertain to serviced apartments. Most issues regarding breach of rule 2.1 occur on Friday and Saturday nights. Our serviced apartment operators are generally mindful of this and have action plans to deal with any disturbances happening in the apartments they manage.

Tip: Get to know which apartments on your level are serviced apartments and who is managing them, if there is a disturbance, ring the operator managing that apartment. In most cases they will sort it out quickly. People leasing short term apartments are told of the 'no party policy' and pay a bond in the event of breaches.

❸ Laundry: Most of us know our laundry actually dries very quickly inside our apartments and that having laundry outside is pointless. Yet some residents still breach rule 2.2 and put their laundry on the balcony. Please advise Marc the Building Manager. He will write to them and seek to stop it. If the residents continue to ignore the laundry rule, breach notices can be issued.

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❹ Dogs: Our building complex has a rule that dogs in the common areas must be restrained at all times, Rule 14.3. We all sign to this when we purchase in our respective complex. Overwhelmingly occupiers respect these rules. But a few owners frequently take their dogs around the building not restrained and not on leashes.

Why does this matter? Some owners are scared of dogs. They bought into our buildings with this rule in mind comforted that dogs would be restrained. These owners are especially concerned when they are in elevators with the confined space and closed doors compounding the unrestrained dog problem. Those owners are understandably frustrated when other owners ignore the rules.

There is a further concern. A staff member was bitten by a dog and occupational safety issues must now be managed.

Community SpiritWe are a community and there are community rules.

It is a shame that a small number of these rules are regarded by a few residents as optional for them.

Attention to this small number of issues as outlined above can make living in our building much more pleasant and relaxing for all!

Bin Chutes on Your FloorGlass bottles are not permitted to be put in the bin chute on you floor.

It is a very dangerous practice. These bottles fall vertically down the shaft, and reach terminal velocity, until they reach the steel bottom in the bin room and explode on impact potentially showering glass over our cleaning staff.

Please bring you glass bottles downstairs by hand and deposit them in the recycling bin room.

Security MattersThe following material is copied from the Victoria Police 'Docklands Security Group Meeting' held on the 13th of July.

Burglaries and thefts from storage cages across the whole of Melbourne are still occurring. There have been 75 burglaries in Docklands since our last meeting on 9th December, 2015.

One female and two male offenders were arrested after breaking into more than 50 letter boxes at the Palladio Tower in Caravel Lane, Docklands on 24-06-2016. The building manager recognized one of the offenders from CTTV footage and followed him to an apartment and contacted police. The male was remanded in custody and is awaiting sentence.

Bicycle thefts remain high across the state. see link for Bicycle Security Brochure.

Docklands Winter Fireworks
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Start your weekend with a spectacular light show during July and August with the free Friday night fireworks over Docklands. Arrive early or stay late to enjoy sparkling entertainment set to delight big kids and small, from live music to roving performers.

Entertainment starts at 06:30pm with fireworks lighting up the sky from 07:30pm. Check social media for last-minute cancellations due to inclement weather.

Helpful Hints
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The ductwork, grilles and dampers in apartments are usually extremely dirty and this would account for the lack of draw in a lot of units.

This lack of draw in the exhaust system will create additional issues if not addressed. The whole idea of exhausting in wet areas is to eliminate not only unpleasant odours, but moisture from the wet areas and clothes dryers.

If moisture is not extracted the potential for mould to grow on the surfaces becomes an additional maintenance issue but more importantly mould can be a major health issue.

Winter 2016 Newsletter Slideshow
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