Facility pix
Heated (1st Oct - 30th Apr) lap pool surrounded by multi-level timber sun deck and outdoor furniture in relaxed garden setting.
Location: Level 4 - Podium
Hours: 05am - 11pm daily
Children under 10 must be supervised at all times. No food, alcohol or glassware. Please shower before use. Pets strictly forbidden.
Facility pix
Compact fully equipped well maintained air conditioned gym with pleasant outlook over the pool. Toilet facilities on site.
Location: Level 4 - Podium
Hours: 05am - 11pm daily
Users must wear proper footwear and be equipped with a towel. Please replace weights in racks after use. Pets strictly forbidden.
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Residents Lounge
Fully furnished lounge with basic kitchen facilities available for use by any resident who requires a meeting place. Ideal for club meetings, conferences, hobby groups, studying etc.
Location: Level 4 - Podium
Hours: 06am - 09pm daily
A booking with the building manager is required before use. Parties and alcohol are prohibited. Pets strictly forbidden.
Facility pix
Garden Podium & BBQ
Attractively planted large paved garden podium nestled between the complex's twin towers with barbecue and superb vista over the marina and Victoria harbour.
Location: Level 4 - Podium
Hours: all hours daily
Barbecue must be scraped down after use and all refuse binned or removed. No alcohol. Pets strictly forbidden.
Facility pix
Herb & Vege Garden
Well tended irrigated community garden for the use of any resident wishing to grow herbs and veges in an open full sun position with minimal rain shadow
Location: Level 4 - Podium
Hours: All daylight hours
The only rule is: "if you grow 'em, you can pick 'em." Plants may require occasional additional hand watering.