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Herb & Vege Garden
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The Herb & Vege Community Garden aims to bring residents together to grow food, to promote better health, to add a bit of green to the complex and to cultivate a more vibrant BPSE community.

The garden is open to any and all who wish to grow edibles in a well tended irrigated full-sun position on the podium (level 4).

This page provides helpful advice and tips to those who wish to contribute. ✽✽✽

Plant Selection
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Herb & Vege Garden signage

Because of the limited area currently available suitable plants will be those that have a compact form or are upright but not spreading (i.e. maize).

Selecting plants that can tolerate occasional periods of drier conditions and neglect such as Mediterranean herbs like Thyme, Sage and Oregano are also a good choice.

Present PlantingsThese are the plants that have been sown so far

  • Basil. Ocimum basilicum Lamiaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Rosemary. Rosmarinus officinalis Lamiaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Coriander (US Cilantro). Coriandrum sativum Apiaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Maize. Zea mays Poaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Chilli. Capsicum frutescens Solanaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Capsicum. Capsicum sp. Solanaceae
    Planted: March 2018
  • Zucchini. Cucurbita pepo Cucurbitaceae
    Planted: March 2018

Garden Etiquette————
The only rule is: "if you grow 'em, then you can pick 'em."

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The garden beds are automatically irrigated but occasional extra watering may be required. But please note that too much watering is as detrimental to plant growth as too little, Also some crops can be damaged by inconsistent watering.

To judge if watering is required a finger should be inserted into the soil to knuckle depth. If the soil feels cold then is is already moist enough and does not require more, otherwise watering is necessary.

Pests Diseases & FertilisersThe use of non-organic sprays to control pests and disease is discouraged as this could result in the accidental poisoning of produce.

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The joy of harvesting your own produce to take home and savour is what community gardening is ultimately all about.

In general the person who grows a plant harvests that plant only. However agreements between individuals to barter and swap their produce is also an intrinsic part of the community gardening ethos and this activity is encouraged since it makes best use of resources and promotes interaction and involvement.

Herb & Vege Garden Slideshow
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