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Summer 2017 Issue

Welcome to the first newsletter produced jointly by all five committees that make up our Owners Corporation. We are very pleased to inform you that all the committees have been working harmoniously together and collaborating whenever issues affect more than one committee.

Following the AGMs on 14 and 17 August we have 29 different residents volunteering across the separate committees, all offering professional experience across a diverse range of fields. When our experience is lacking in any area, we then engage professional consultants to act on your behalf.

We are committed to keeping you informed and ensuring transparency so that you know what is happening and what decisions are being made. Through a regular newsletter we aim to provide information regarding the activities of the Owners Corporation committees and provide helpful information to residents.

Sant'Elia Building - OC2Named after Antonio Sant'Elia (1888-1916)
Italian futurist architect
45 Residential lots

Since the AGM in August the new committee has:

  • reviewed all finances and budgets and is working to resolve anomalies
  • commenced work on the 2018 budget to ensure that all items are provided for
  • begun reviewing existing contracts to ensure owners receive value for money

On many issues such as the Maintenance Plan, Security, the Building Manager, and Cleaners the committee works with the other OCs to achieve the best outcomes for owners and residents.

New Foyer CarpetCarpet selections and quotations are being finalised to replace the foyer carpet by early 2018.

MaintenanceThe following maintenance has been undertaken:

  • Foyer lights replaced.
  • Rubbish room lights fixed.
  • Lift thoroughly cleaned to remove smell.
  • Smoke detectors cleaned to MFB standards.
  • Bin installed in the mail room.
  • Hole in wall on level 5 repaired.
  • Exit lights tested.
  • Issue with boiler repaired.

Boyd Tower - OC3Named after Arthur Boyd (1920-1999)
Noted Australian artist
172 Residential lots

AccountingIrregularities prior to Propis have been identified and are being addressed.

Security AnalysisBoyd Chair, Prof. Anthony Dixon is undertaking a formal statistical study of security services to identify minor adjustments that might provide better service / value to owners. Once complete the report will be available to all owners.

Uitilies ReviewBoyd is paying too much for power compared to OC1 & 5. We are renegotiating power and gas contracts.

Window RepairsLeaking outer window seals have been repaired. It is anticipated more will be needed. Please advise if your apartment if affected.

Slab CreepConcrete movement on some upper levels of the Boyd is being rectified.

Worm Farm / CompostWith council help we are exploring the opportunity of a worm farm -compost facility to improve the management of our waste.

Palladio Tower - OC4Named after Andrea Palladio (1508-1580)
Venetian neoclassical architect
197 Residential lots

The committe formed on 21st September and has met a further four times to the end of November. This frequency of meetings places a strain on members, but has been a necessity dictated by pressing issues requiring attention.

Roof RepairsIn May, water leakage in the Palladio roof caused damage to an apartment below and posed a risk to machinery in the lift motor room. The new committe approved quotes on 9th October and all rectifictaion work was finished nine days later. Hot water storage tanks on the roof have also been identified as due for scheduled replacement.

Gas ArrearsIn October the committee was presented with a bill for gas arrears dating back to July 2015 the same issue that caused gas in the Palladio to be disconnected in March this year. Thanks to enquiries undertaken by two members of the new committee, within a day of Propis becoming our strata manager a solution to this problem has been found.

OC1 & OC5All owners

Building Manager ContractSo many residents have commented that it is great to have Marc Drew back as Building Manger for all five OCs. Marc is a very experienced manager and we are very pleased with the high level of service he provides.

Cleaning ContractMany residents also noticed immediately when the Mopsquad resumed the cleaning contract. All BPSe areas are showing improved levels of presentation than over recent months. This situation will be monitored into the future.

One Strata ManagerManagement of the entire BPSE complex will come under a single company from 1st December, following the move of OCs 2,3 & 4 from StratePrime to Property Investment Services (Propis).
This consolidation will ensure smoother, more consistent, transparent and compliant management for everyone.
Address enquiries to:
More information is available from our website:

Building AlterationsA reminder that all building alterations and new renovations (such as new floors, kitchen and bathroom updates, air conditioning) must have prior approval from the Owners Corporation, to ensure these comply with the building, fire, and noise reduction standards, and insurance. If planning any alterations or renovations, please contact the Building Manager for advice.

Maintenance PlanAll five committees are currently reviewing and updating maintenance plans to ensure that ongoing needs of the complex can be met. This involves addressing the due replacement of buildings, plant and equipment, as well as costly issues such as concrete spalling which has already been located at several sites in the complex.

Residents LoungeAll residents have access to the lounge on the podium level, which is available for events such as informal meetings and small groups gatherings (card groups, baby showers, kid parties) studying and more For further information, or to book, please contact the Building Manager.

Moves In & Out of BPSEMoves must be organised through the Building Manager to ensure lifts can be accessed when needed. Don't forget the building has a utility vehicle that you can use to assist your move.

Swimming PoolThe committee has had the pool decking sanded and refinished which will reduce trip hazard for pool users and help extend the life of the timber decking. Please remember: no glass or alcohol in the pool area.

GymGym hours are 5am till 11pm. Please respect other gym users by placing weights back in their correct location after use.

SecurityExpansion of the CCTV coverage of the car parks is being considered. Owners should contact serviced apartment operators or Monjon security (00417 666 566) if they are disturbed by late night parties.

BalconiesThrowing anything off your balcony even cigarette butts is both dangerous and inconsiderate of residents below.

Always Carry Your Red KeyYou will need it to access the fire stairs to your apartment in the event that the lifts go out during a power failure this summer.